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- Sustainable development planning in ecologically sensitive Dahanu region on the West coast of India
Khanna, P.(REBR1001015)
- Selected bivalves for monitoring of heavy metal contamination in the Colombian Caribbean
Campos, N.E.(REBR1001021)
- Studies in the analysis of data from Australian tidal forests (Mangroves).I. Vegetational sequences and their graphic representation
Bunt, J.S.(REBR1001031)
- Studies in the analysis of data from Australian tidal forests (Mangroves).II. the use of an anymetric monothetic divisive classificatory program
Williams, W.T.(REBR1001034)
- Studies of a mangrove basin, Tuff Crater, New Zealand: I. Mangrove biomass and production of detritus
Woodroffe, C.D.(REBR1001036)
- Studies of a mangrove basin, Tuff Crater, New Zealand: II. Comparison of volumetric and velocity-area methods of estimating tidal flux
Woodroffe, C.D.(REBR1001037)
- Studies of a mangrove basin, Tuff Crater, New Zealand: III. The flux of organic and inorganic particulate matter
Woodroffe, C.D.(REBR1001038)
- Some factors affecting the dispersal and establishment of propagules of Avicennia marina Forsk., Vierh.
Steinke, T.D.(REBR1001056)
- Spatial and temporal variations in water column nutrient concentrations in a tidally dominated mangrove creek: Chwaka Bay, Zanzibar
Mohammed, S.M.(REBR1001063)
- Stable soil pH of Thai mangroves in dry and rainy seasons and its relation to zonal distribution of mangroves
Wakushima, S.(REBR1001065)
- Soil salinity and pH in Japanese mangrove forest and growth of cultivated mangrove plants in different soil conditions
Wakushima, S.(REBR1001066)
- Significance of mangroves for the coastal communities of India
Untawale, A.G.(REBR1001096)
- Sedimentation in mangrove forests
Furukawa, K.(REBR1001110)
- Small-scale Manjuba fishery around Cardoso Island State Park, SP, Brazil
Cardoso, T.A.(REBR1001111)
- Spatial and temporal variability in growth of Rhizophora mangle saplings on coral cays: links with variation in isolation, herbivory and local sedimentation rates
Ellison, A.M.(REBR1001130)
- Status of the petroleum pollution in the wider Caribbean Sea
Botello, A.V.(REBR1001134)
- Sub-Sahara African coastal zone: assessment of natural and human-induced changes
Awosika, L.(REBR1001138)
- Small gap creation in Belizean mangrove forests by a wood-boring insect
Feller, I.C.(REBR1001174)
- Salinity effects on cadmium accumulation in various tissues of the tropical fiddler crab Uca rapax
Zanders, I.P.(REBR1001185)
- Stable isotope composition of particulate organic matter and zooplankton in the North-Eastern Brazilian shelf
Schwamborn, R.(REBR1001211)
- Staurosporine derivatives from the ascidian Eudistoma toealensis and its predatory flatworm Pseudoceros sp.
Schumpp, P.(REBR1001233)
- Spatial and temporal variations of mangrove fish assemblages in Martinique (French West Indies)
Louis, M.(REBR1001243)
- Status of the freshwater/coastal/marine living resources with particular emphasis on threats and options in coastal areas
Vidy, G.(REBR1001253)
- Species composition and spatial distribution of stream fish assemblages in the east coast of Brazil: comparison of two field studies methodologies
Uieda, V.S.(REBR1001255)
- Socio and economic value of mangroves. A method for estimation and an example
Negrete, M.A.(REBR1001279)
- Sociedade humanae o recurso caranguejo (Ucides cordatus) nacosata do Par*
Blandtt, L.(REBR1001355)
- Shrimp ponds aquaculture practices in Indonesia and its impacts to the coastal areas environment
Naamin, N.(REBR1001367)
- Structure and productivity in a mangrove forest in Bertioga region of Southern Brazil
Lamparelli, C.C.(REBR1001429)
- Structural variability of mangrove forests influenced by seawater Inturiaçu Bay, Amazoniam coast of Maranhão, Brazil
Rebelo-Mochel, F.(REBR1001431)
- Status of mangroves and their growth pattern in the Gulf of Kutch, Gujarat State, India
Singh, H.S.(REBR1001444)
- Structure, dynamique et biomass des mangroves de Guyane Française
Puig, F.H.(REBR1001446)
- Sistematização e cartografia dos testemunhos pre-históricos dos pescadores, coletores, e caçadores do Estado de Santa Catarina
Barbosa, D.R.(REBR1001449)
- Sistematização e cartografia dos testemunhos dos pescadores, coletores, e caçadores pre-historicos - Um estudo de caso
Barbosa, M.(REBR1001450)
- Speciation of phosphorus in mangrove sediments along Potengi estuary, Natal/RN-Brazil
Silva, C. A. R. (REBR1001457)
- Some aspects of shrimp culture in Ceara state
Igarashi, M. A.(REBR1001475)
- Soil-plant interaction in neotropical mangrove forest:Iron, phosphorus and sulfur dynamics
Sherman, R.E.(REBR1001543)
- Salzregulation bei mangroven
Popp, M.(REBR1001545)
- Spatial variation of heavy metals in surface sediments of Hong Kong mangrove swamps
Tam, N.F.Y.(REBR1001562)
- Snake circumvents constrains on prey size
Jayne, B.C.(REBR1001580)
- Síntese de conhecimentos dos principais recursos pesqueiros costeiros potencialmente explotáveis na costa Sudeste-sul do Brasil: Peixes
Magro, M.(REBR1001637)
- Stable isotopes of tracers of organic matter input and transfer in benthic food webs: a review
Peterson, B.J.(REBR1001640)
- Synergism between Phyllobacterium sp. (N-2-fixer) and Bacillum licheniformis (P-solubilizer), both from a semi-arid manggrove Rhizosphere
- Salinity tolerance in some mangrove species from Pakistan
Khan, M.A.(REBR1001676)
- Spatial and temporal variability in benthic processes along a mangrove-seagrass transect near Bangrong Mangrove, Thailand
Holmer, M.(REBR1001698)
- Salinity intrusion and rice farming in mangrove-fringed Konkoure River Delta, Guinea
Wolanski, E.(REBR1001703)
- Spatial and temporal co-structure analyses between ichthyophauna and environment: an example in the tropics
Blanc, L.(REBR1001716)
- Studies on Holocene mangrove ecosystems dynamics of the Bragança Peninsula in northeastern Pará, Brazil
Behling, H.(REBR1001730)
- Status, distribution and conservation of crocodiles in Sri Lanka
Santiapillai, C.(REBR1001738)
- Sequestration of organic nitrogen in the sapropel from mangrove Lake, Bermuda
Knicker, H.(REBR1001740)
- Sedimentation processes and productivity in the continental shelf waters off east and northeast Brazil
Ekau, W.(REBR1001750)
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