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- Surface wave propagation in mangrove forests
Massel, S.R.(REBR1001761)
- Stress protein accumulation as an indicator of impact by the petroleum industry in Todos os Santos Bay, Brasil
Nascimento, I.A.(REBR1001804)
- Studies on Littorinidae from the Atlantic
Bandel, K.(REBR1001817)
- Studies on portunid crabs from the eastern Pacific. I. zonation along environmental stress gradients from the coast of Colombia
Norse, E.(REBR1001821)
- Salt excretion and stomatal behavior in Avicennia marina seedlings fumigated with volatile fraction of light Arabian crude oil
Youssef, T.(REBR1001826)
- Spatial distribution of fish species in a tropical estuarine lagoon: a geostatistical appraisal
Rueda, M.(REBR1001840)
- Sinopse das observações sobre a bioecologia e pesca do caranguejo-uçá, Ucides cordatus (Linnaeus, 1763) capturado em estuários de sua área de ocorrência
Ivo, C.T.C.(REBR1001851)
- Sustentabilidade ambiental do camrão marinho brasileiro cultivado: Gestão ambiental e demandas de pesquisa
Queiroz, J.F.(REBR1001855)
- Some factors governing the water quality of microtidal estuaries in South Africa
Allanson, B.R.(REBR1001859)
- Survey abundance indices in a tropical estuarine lagoon and their management implications: a spacially-explicit approach
Rueda M.(REBR1001867)
- Sediment origin and budget in Sepetiba Bay (Brazil) - an approach based on multielemental analysis
Barcellos, C.(REBR1001885)
- Sediment properties along gradients of siltation in Southeast Asia
Kamp-Nielsen, L.(REBR1001887)
- spectral remote sensing reflectances of coastal waters in French Guiana under Amazon influence
Froidefond, J-M.(REBR1001891)
- South American Basins: LOICZ Global Change Assessment and Synthesis of River Catchment - coastal Sea Interaction and Human Dimensions.
Lacerda, L.D.(REBR1001900)
- Survey of heavy metals in sediments of the Swartkops River Estuary, Port Elizabeth South Africa
Binning, K.(REBR1001927)
- Sedimentacion reciente en la Cuyenca de Panamá y en el magen pacifico colombiano.
Rodriguez, I.M.(REBR1001943)
- Supply and flux of sediment along hydrological pathways: Anthropogenic influences at the global scale
Syvitski, J.P.M.(REBR1001946)
- System tracts sedimentology in the lagoon of Mayottte associated with holocene transgression
Zinke, J.(REBR1002012)
- Separation of iodine species by adsorption chromatography
Bellido, A.V.(REBR1002026)
- Statistical analysis of sensitive topics in group and individual interviews
Kaplowitz, M.D.(REBR1002028)
- Seasonal coupling of a tropical mangrove forest and an estuarine water column: enhancement of aquatic primary productivity
Rivera-Monroy, V.H.(REBR1002046)
- Spatial and temporal distribution of Myrophis punctatus (Ophichthidae) and associated fish fauna in a northern Brazilian intertidal mangrove forest
Barletta, M.(REBR1002047)
- Shrimps, bananas and mangroves: A dispute resolved
Stern, A.J.(REBR1002054)
- Structure, above-ground biomass and dynamics of mangrove ecosystems: new data from French Guiana
Fromard, F.(REBR1002063)
- Stable carbon isotope cycling in mobile coastl muds of Amapá, Brazil
Zhu, Z.(REBR1002065)
- Seashells of Brazil
Rios, E.(REBR1002083)
- Seasonal gas exchange characteristics of Schinus terebinthifolius in a native and distrubed upland community in Everglades National Park, Florida
Ewe, S.M.(REBR1002119)
- Shrimp and salmon farming
Forster, J.(REBR1002126)
- Sustainable Management of Mangrove Forest Ecosystems: Brazil
Lacerda, L.D.(REBR1002132)
- Sustainable Management of Mangrove Forest Ecosystems: Ecuador
Bodero, A.(REBR1002133)
- Sustainable Management of Mangrove Forest Ecosystems: Colombia
Alvarez-Leon, R.(REBR1002134)
- Spatial pattern of biomass and above ground net primary productivity in a mangrove ecosystems in the Dominican Republic
Sherman, R.E.(REBR1002174)
- Status and conservation of Yellow-headed parrot Amazona oratrix "guatemalensis" on the Atlantic coast of Guatemala
Eisermann, K.(REBR1002275)
- Standing crop and aboveground biomass partitioning of a dwarf mangrove forest in Taylor River Slough, Florida
Coronado-Molina, C.(REBR1002295)
- Sepetiba bay: a case study of the environmental geochemistry of heavy metals in a subtropical coastal lagoon
Lacerda, L.D. (REBR1002316)
- sediment oxygen and nutrient fluxes in three estuarine syustems of southeastern Brazil
Knopper, B.A.(REBR1002317)
- Source characterixzation of dissolved organic matter in a subtropical mangrove-dominated estuary by fluorescence analysis
Jaffe, R.(REBR1002318)
- Sediment exchange between Amazon mudbanks and shore-fringed mangroves in French Guiana
Allison, M.A.(REBR1002328)
- Structure and litterfall of an arid mangrove stand on the Gulf of California, Mexico
Arreola-Lizarraga, J.A.(REBR1002340)
- Salt marshes: biological controls of food webs in a diminishing environment
Valiela, I.(REBR1002344)
- Speciation in Darwin's darklings: taxonomy of Stomion beetles in Galapagos Islands Ecuador (Insecta; Coleoptera:Tenebrionidae
Finston, T.L.(REBR1002379)
- Stable isotope fractionation between mollusc shells and marine waters from Martinique Island
Lecuyer, C.(REBR1002398)
- Sterols and other triterpenoids: source specificy and evolution of biosynthetic pathways
Volkman, J.K.(REBR1002417)
- Spreading mangroves: a new Zealand phenomenon or a globa trend?
Schwarz, A.M.(REBR1002444)
- Study of macronutrients (clacium, magnesium, potassium and sodium) and physical-chemical parameters in pore water of mangrove sediment in Bragança, Brazil
Santos, H.L.R.(REBR1002447)
- Sinopse de informações sobre a biologia e pesca do camarão-branco Lipopenaeus schimitti (Burkenroad, 1936) (Crustacea, Decapoda, Penaeidae)no Nordeste do Brasil
Santos, M.C.F.(REBR1002524)
- Saris do estuario do rio Una, São Jose da Coroa Grande Pernambuco, Brasil (Crustacea, Decapoda, Portunidae)
Santos, M.C.F.(REBR1002525)
- Size at sexual maturity of female crabs Sesarma rectum Randall (Crustacea, Brachyura) and ontogenetic variations in the abdomen relative growth
Leme, M.H.A.(REBR1002543)
- Size at sexual maturity of female crabs Sesarma rectun Randall (Crustacea, Brachyura) and ontogenetic variations in the abdomen relative growth
Leme, M.H.(REBR1002553)
- Salinity effect on plat growth and leaf demography of the mangrove Avicennia germinans L.
Suarez, N.(REBR1002558)
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